IV Conferencia Internacional

Salud Emocional y Bienestar en Destinos Sostenibles
Programa – Lanzarote, 5-7 mayo de 2022

09:30–10:00 Conferencia I:
Cultivating health & Wellbeing in Lanzarote to Allure Torurists as Repeaters

D. Jafar Jafari, Doctor Honoris Cause de la ULPGC. University of Wisconsin-Stout

12:00–12:30 Conferencia II:
Sustainable tourism Development: Restoring the wellbeing of Hosts and Guest

D. Michael Di Giovine, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

15:30–16:00 Conferencia III:
Creando producto turístico saludable Km. 0

D. Agustín Santana Talavera, Universidad de La laguna (ULL)